
In the world of material converting, “slitting” refers to the process of slicing a large roll of paper or other material into narrower strips. This can be done by slitting the roll without unwinding (e.g. “log slitting”) or by unwinding the parent roll, slicing the material by way of a bladed knifeholder or laser, then winding it back into a series of smaller spools.

What is slitting used for?

Slitting is a common practice in the converting industry and is used to produce material substrates for a variety of different markets including packaging, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, fashion, and more. Slitting is the process most commonly used in cutting paper, vinyl, thin plastics, nonwovens, foil, and other soft, pliable materials.

What equipment is used in slitting?

To precisely cut or slit heavy rolls of substrate, a slitting machine (or slitter or slitter rewinder) is required. These machines are used to unwind the parent roll, slice it into appropriate widths, and rewind the end product back into smaller, tightly wound rolls. To learn more about the various components of slitting systems, visit our slitting or winding products pages.

Types of Slitting

There are three basic types of slitting: razor slitting, shear slitting, and score slitting (also known as crush slitting). Each type is distinguishable by the type of blade, knife, or device used to make the cut. Deciding which system is best depends largely on the type of material being cut.

Razor Slitting

Razor slitting involves a razor blade (or likely a series of razor blades) mounted onto a slitting machine that slices the material into desired widths as it passes through. Depending on the placement of the razors (i.e. top or bottom mounted), slitters using this method can convert either slowly (top) or quickly (bottom). The most economical method of the three, razor slitting is best for converting very thin substrates like films.

Shear Slitting

Shear slitting involves a two-part knife with a male and female end through which the substrate passes and is cut. This process is ideal for fast converting and is perfect for converting various types of thin materials with precision.

Score or Crush Slitting

Score or crush slitting involves a moving substrate passing between a solid rotating anvil and a circular rotating knife or series of knives (known as a crush slitter). This method is the most common of the three and is ideal for converting a range of different substrates of varying thicknesses and rigidities.


At Maxcess, we are proud to carry a full line of industry-leading slitting and winding products. Our systems and accessories are ideal for a range of different applications and can tackle even the most rigid of flexible materials with razor-sharp precision. To learn more about the products and services offered by Maxcess, contact our team today.