Maxcess defines new executive leadership team
Oklahoma City, OK. – Maxcess, a global leader in innovative products and services for the web handling industry, introduces a world-class executive leadership team to realize the company’s mission of understanding customer needs and delivering above expectations. Regional leaders will oversee a global network of manufacturing facilities to provide a consistent experience for customers from […]
俄克拉荷马州,俄克拉荷马城,2014年12月2日 – 全球卷材处理行业产品与服务的领导者,美国美塞斯集团(Maxcess International)签署一份收购协议,将正式收购总部位于俄亥俄州得克利夫兰的法孚北美燃烧公司(Fives North American Combustion, Inc.)的纠偏业务。收购完成后,法孚北美燃烧公司的纠偏业务部门将并入总部设在俄克拉何马城的美塞斯集团。 “对法孚北美纠偏的收购,以及随后与快复的整合,突出我们在市场渗透方面的持续关注”,美塞斯首席执行官桂杰礼(Greg Jehlik)如是说,“我们的目标是通过自然增长,针对性产品开发和并购进行扩张,收购法孚可以使我们的纠偏产品范围迅速扩大。” 法孚北美纠偏具有50多年的历史,为卷材纠偏用户提供具有革新意义的技术。 “这次收购非常理想,进一步稳固了我们在金属和橡胶与轮胎行业的地位。”快复纠偏全球产品经理艾德伦(Darren Irons)说,“现有的法孚北美纠偏客户将得益于美塞斯遍布全球的服务与支持。” 关于美塞斯:作为世界卷材处理领域四个领导品牌 – Webex,Fife,Tidland和MAGPOWR的母公司,美塞斯国际集团积累了超过230年的成功经验。从通用的收卷/放卷设备组件到客户化定制的纠偏系统, 再到张力控制,美塞斯可以将客户的每一个需求传递为现实,让所有卷材生产线跑得更快、更直、更高效。美塞斯囊括了该行业的几个最强品牌: WEBEX(维顺),世界精密辊筒和定制专业卷取设备等相关行业领导者;FIFE(快复),卷材自动纠偏和检验系统的先驱者,第一套工业纠偏的发明者;TIDLAND(特灵)是第一根气胀轴的发明者,同时提供高效的分切产品;MAGPOWR(美博)是欧美工业领域中最大的张力控制系统供应者。美塞斯是一个真正的全球性公司,在北美、欧洲、中国、日本和印度都设有子公司。这使得美塞斯为全球提供无与伦比的销售,服务和支持。美塞斯有该行业内最大的工厂直接销售团队和服务团队,可以随时为世界任何地区提供服务,并为他们的客户提供一个持续而稳定的支持。访问www.maxcessintl.com获取更多信息。 关于法孚:法孚北美纠偏系统是卷材和带钢纠偏、收放卷和幅宽测量方面的应用级供应商,法孚北美纠偏给客户提供定制化的检测器,机电驱动器,控制器,液压动力装置和阀台,弧形辊和纠偏器的产品以及最优价格/性能的解决方案。自1957年成立以来,法孚北美纠偏在工程设计,安装管理,启动支持,现场服务以及培训研讨方面表现优异。 关于Bertram Capital:Bertram Capital是一个美国北加州的私募基金公司,专注于在中型市场的投资业务,包括消费、工业、医疗和技术公司。目前在Bertram Capital第二期基金5亿美元的投资中,每项投资占了2500万至1亿美元。自成立以来,Bertram Capital以超过8.5亿美元的承诺资金完成了对11个平台的投资和另外15个进行中的收购。您可以访问http://www.bcap.com获取更多信息。
Maxcess to Introduce Fife D-MAX Enhanced Triple Drive Web Guide Controller at ICE USA
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma- Maxcess, a global leader in innovative products and services for web handling applications, today announced plans to release the D-MAX Enhanced Triple Drive Web Guide Controller at ICE USA 2017, booth 301. With the ability to control three web guides from a single unit, the D-MAX Enhanced positions itself as the most powerful […]
Maxcess Showcases Innovative Solutions at DRUPA 2024
Oak Brook, IL USA – Maxcess, a global leader in providing innovative, automated web handling solutions, is pleased to announce its participation in this year’s DRUPA, the international trade fair for the printing, packaging, and graphics industries. The fair will take place from May 28th to June 7th in Düsseldorf, Germany. Maxcess will showcase its […]
Maxcess Acquires OneBox Vision Ltd to Accelerate Vision Inspection Solution Growth
New Suite of Vision Inspection Solutions, Proprietary Software and Intellectual Property Expand Maxcess’ End-to-End Web Handling Expertise. Maxcess, a global leader in innovative solutions for web handling applications, announced today the acquisition of OneBox Vision Ltd. in Tipperrary, Ireland. OneBox Vision Ltd was founded in 2011 by Conor O’Neill and brings a suite of proprietary […]
Maxcess Releases Enhanced User Interface for Revolutionary Fife Guiding Sensor
The new DST-1 user interface dramatically improves setup time and material change ease of use, providing the user with the ability to guide almost any material in three steps. Oak Brook, Illinois, April 14, 2021- Maxcess, a global leader in innovative products and services for web handling applications, has announced a new software update to its […]