
Pictured left to right: Steve Hahn, Chuck Wood, Tim Dougherty, Gary Ochterbeck, Scott Ebrecht, Steve Werner, Bud Straumann, Greg Korhammer, Jim Mulford, Dennis Regelsperger, Kathy Harrison, Dave Kovack

Dave Kovack, Client Systems Administrator at RotoMetrics, loves cycling. From touting the health benefits, to enjoying the thrill of speed, to organizing the RotoMetrics cycling team, Dave applies every spare second to pursue his passion for the sport. Dave wanted to bring his love of cycling to the RotoMetrics family. “I knew of about 20 or so co-workers who are also cyclists and I would say that between all of us, we collectively log about 10,000 miles per year. Many of us ride in the same events. I really wanted to get a cycling program going at RotoMetrics and was excited when we got the go ahead. What I didn’t expect, but was very appreciative of, was when RotoMetrics offered to sponsor the newly found team.

Being sponsored by RotoMetrics means a lot because it afforded the purchase of team-branded jerseys. Dave says that, if not for the jerseys, it would be next to impossible to identify a teammate in a sea of cyclists with helmets and sunglasses on, which is important in case they need assistance during a race. “It’s much easier to come to the aid of a distressed team member who may be in need of a tire tube or water. On the other hand, when we see two different jerseys on the side of the road working together, it’s a reminder that we all have one common mission—the finish line,” Dave said.

They are the “Roto Riders” because, of course, they race bikes, but that description of them captures just a small part of all the hours that make up their cycling lives. For all the color, noise, excitement and speed of a passing peloton (the main pack) during the races, there are just as many unglamorous moments—replacing flat tires, pedaling boundless conditioning miles and nursing sore muscles.

But just as the life of a cyclist is not all rest stations and finish lines, neither is it all cadence control and routine routes. There is a unique sort of camaraderie that develops among cyclists, in part because of the excitement of the sport but also because when they are together for races they are truly a team.

When the races are over, they are depleted, dehydrated and exhilarated. Cyclists are hard on themselves, but a cool drink and deep breaths relax them into a certain level of contentment knowing…..mission accomplished.

Not pictured: Diana Bredahl, Melissa Hughes, Joe McNamara, Jorge Saurez, Beverly Steele, Tony Vandergriff & Marc Whitcomb

Some of the rides members of the Roto Riders participate in are:
Springfield Capital City Century
Tour de Donut
Steel Legs
Rivers Century Ride
Moonlight Ramble
Bike MS
Route 66 Bike Ride
Strawberry Festival Bike Ride