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In a recent article for Delta ModTech, New Product Innovation Manager Butch Schomber talks about the importance of converters challenging their vendors to ask, “Can it be done?”

Without asking if it can be done, you might never know if it can—and, more importantly, you might never challenge vendors to innovate solutions for these questions.

The converter industry has been advanced over the years by these questions, and as a result, new opportunities have arisen, challenging converters and vendors to come up with solutions for the medical, electronic, automotive and industrial sectors, which often involve difficulties that include die cutting abrasive materials, multi-layer construction, thinner films, more aggressive adhesives and more.

This kind of innovation has been at the forefront of two recent product developments from RotoMetrics: the Challenger solid die and RotoRepel RX adhesive control. At RotoMetrics, we know the next challenge is always right around the corner, and we’ll be ready to meet it head on, just like we have for the last 60 years.

Visit the Delta ModTech website to read the full article.