SE-44 Ultrasonic Sensor
Cost-effective sensor uses ultrasonic sound to detect the web edges
10 mm proportional band
Insensitive to ambient light
SE-44 Ultrasonic Sensor Overview
The sensor SE-44 uses ultrasonic sound to detect the web edge. Its light weight, small size, and insensitivity to ambient light make it ideal for most web guiding applications.
The SE-44 ultrasonic sensor measures the lateral position of the guided material. The sensor field of view (proportional band) is 10 mm, allowing significant guide point adjustment.
The SE-44 is often used in pairs for center guiding when web width variations are limited. The SE-44 sensor can be used to control most opaque materials as well as transparent ones.
Product Sheets
User Manuals
2D/3D Drawings
- Battery
- Cardboard
- Flexible Packaging
- Food and Beverage
- Nonwovens
- Packaging
- Pharmaceutical
- Specialty Converting
- Tag and Label
- Towel and Tissue
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