Upgrades for Guiding Products
Maxcess offers a range of upgrades to enhance the performance and longevity of your guiding equipment. These upgrades improve your processing power and introduce new features to streamline your operations. Whether you’re upgrading from older models like the CDP-01 or wanting to transition to more advanced technologies like the D-MAX or Smart Drive Actuator, we provide simple, efficient options to ensure your equipment stays at peak performance.
Special Offers on D-Max, Smart Drive Actuator & More
At Maxcess, we offer exclusive upgrade packages designed to enhance your systems’ efficiency and performance. Take advantage of these special offers to upgrade outdated equipment to cutting-edge technology for a smarter, more reliable system.
CDP-01 to D-MAX Bundle
Swapping out your old CDP-01 with the new D-MAX Bundle gives you 100x more processing power, and it’s easy! Complete the form below with the model, MS and SM numbers of your CDP-01, and we’ll send you information to return your unit. Once received, we’ll credit your account with $500 you can put toward your upgrade to the D-MAX Bundle.
Featured Products

Fife SmartDrive Actuator
The Fife SmartDrive Actuator is an easy to install solution for automated edge and center guiding in converting, laminating, and printing applications.

Fife LAB-8 Electromechanical Actuator
A high-performance actuator designed for precise and reliable control in a variety of industrial applications.

DST-1 Object Recognition Sensor
The DST-1 offers a revolutionary breakthrough in sensor technology to easily guide an array of materials, from mesh to wire gauge and frayed materials. Using a combination of cameras, infrared lighting, and other sensors, make guiding any material possible with precise positioning.

This digital ultrasonic sensor is lightweight, compact, and insensitive to ambient light, using ultrasonic waves to measure the lateral position of the web material.

H6600/6610 to D-MAX
Upgrading from the H6600 or H6610 to the D-MAX controller ensures your operations keep running smoothly. The D-MAX offers better functionality and greater processing power for more accurate guiding and faster response times. Swap your H6600 or H6610 model for the advanced D-MAX controller today.
Related Products

H3333 Capacitance Detector
The H3333 Capacitance Detector is a robust and reliable solution for precision web guiding. Designed for conductive strip applications, it features maintenance-free operation, superior accuracy, and easy installation. Ideal for industries like galvanizing, painting, and tin plating.

ExactTrak Radar Sensor
Introducing the Fife ExactTrak Radar Sensor: Our innovative radar sensor ensures precise control over metal strips in high-temperature furnaces. With high-speed, noncontact positioning, it's ideal for demanding industrial environments. Upgrade furnace reliability seamlessly with our advanced technology, minimizing downtime. Dual radar sensors enable real-time adjustments, ensuring optimal performance with every run. Simplified installation process, complemented by thermal-insulated windows for sensor protection. Elevate your furnace operations with our superior reliability solution.

SE-20 Wide Gap Sensor
The SE-20 Wide Gap Sensor is not affected by ambient light and reflections, making it ideal for highly reflective materials.

H3218 Center-Guide Detector
As an ideal solution for center-guiding strips in metals applications, the H3218 maintains control during material width changes with no repositioning required during product width changes.

H3257 LED Light Source
The H3257 is an advanced LED light source providing a uniform light output that is excellent for discriminating detectors.

H6400 to Smart Drive Actuator
The H6400 system served its purpose well, but it’s time to transition to a more efficient, precise solution. Upgrading to the Smart Drive Actuator offers enhanced reliability, precision guiding, and a longer equipment lifespan. Enjoy a more responsive system with fewer maintenance needs by upgrading to the Smart Drive Actuator.
Related Products

DSE-45 Wideband Ultrasonic Sensor
A high-precision wide band ultrasonic sensor that delivers reliable and accurate measurements in a variety of industrial applications.

A high-precision infrared sensor that delivers reliable and accurate measurements in a variety of industrial applications.

SE-46C Digital Line Guide Sensor
Detect lines, line edges, graphic patterns and more, where traditional sensors won’t work. Featuring a color touch screen, the image of the web is displayed in full color, for easy and intuitive sensor calibration. The SE-46C is suitable for the most demanding line guiding applications.

H3662 Line Scan Sensor
The H3662 is an edge, centerline, or width-detecting IR sensor. Using IR light, it illuminates retro-reflective tape to image onto a linear array within the sensor and, using an integrated microcontroller, it analyzes the array signal and detects the exact position of the web’s edges.

H6415 and H6416 Simplex to Smart Drive Actuator
For H6415 and H6416 Simplex system users, upgrading to the Smart Drive Actuator provides a significant performance boost. This upgrade improves processing power and system responsiveness, ensuring your equipment performs optimally in high-demand environments. Transitioning to the Smart Drive Actuator is easy and offers long-term benefits in guiding precision.
Related Products

SE-38 First-Edge Sensor
Designed for materials with varying opacities that are often difficult to detect with typical infrared sensors or impossible to detect with air or ultrasound, it’s capable of detecting the first edge of a web and ignoring any and all subsequent variations.

SE-26B Digital Line Guide Sensor
The SE-26B is a visible white LED light sensor that can be used to guide to the center or edge of a line. The lens and cover components can be unscrewed and interchanged to change the sensing orientation.

DSE-15 Reflected Light Sensor
The DSE-15 is compact and ideal for most applications where space is limited with opaque, transparent, or reflective materials.

SE-20 Wide Gap Sensor
The SE-20 Wide Gap Sensor is not affected by ambient light and reflections, making it ideal for highly reflective materials.
Submit Your Upgrade Request
Ready to upgrade? Fill out the form below, and a Maxcess representative will contact you to guide you through the upgrade process and answer any questions.